MCSE TCP/IP for Dummies 正式版 for Win95/98/NT
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(知名資訊圖書出版集團 IDG Books 書籍正式登陸台灣!「for Dummies」系列
<有人稱之為"傻瓜"系列> 叢書是 IDG Book 最受歡資訊工具書籍。自從 1990
年IDG Books推出第一本針對電腦入門者的工具書「DOS For Dummies」後,「
for Dummies」系列就在許多國家成了電腦入門書的代表,目前全世界共有38
種語版本,銷售量突破5000 萬冊以上。由於受到讀者熱烈歡迎,「for Dummies
資、運動等等,都加入了「for Dummies」,目前已出版超過275種以上的書目。
「for Dummies」系列的特色即是幽默、完整與專業,和一般電腦書有所區隔,
讀者甚至可以將「for Dummies」系列當作小說閱讀,也可以當作字典查閱。)
Rise to the top of the computing ranks as a Microsoft Certified Systems
Engineer with this fast and friendly study guide to the tools and
technology of Internetworking with TCP/IP. The TCP/IP exam (Exam 70-
059) is the most popular elective exam in the MCSE certification path,
but it's also one of the most difficult. Let MCSE TCP/IP For Dummies,
2nd Edition, give you a head start. From the fundamentals of TCP/IP
and network planning to advanced issues of installation and configuration
, connectivity, monitoring, optimization, and troubleshooting, this
book gives you quick and easy-to-understand advice on what you need to
study to pass this exam.
This Microsoft-approved study guide, written by an experienced Microsoft-
certified professional, safely navigates you through the troubled waters
of preparing for your certification exam. Every chapter begins with a
preview of what's to come, including a list of exam objectives and
chapter highlights. Take the Quick Assessments to discover how much you
already know, and review your progress at each turn with a Prep Test at
the end of each chapter. Step- by-step Lab exercises walk you through
administrative and networking tasks likely to be tested, and MCSE TCP/IP
For Dummies, 2nd Edition, comes packed with facts, figures, tips, and
time-savers to make your study time more effective. A bonus CD-ROM
included with the book contains practice and self- assessment tests,
practice demos, and the QuickLearn? game, a space-age shoot-'em-up that
makes your learning curve a lot more fun.
New for this second edition: All the information has been reviewed by
Sento Corporation for 100 percent accuracy, and any technical updates
will be posted to our 100% Tech Check Page. Proceed onward to your exam
with the security that you're getting the correct information that you