Clean Coders 03 Extra Screencasts 視頻教學 英文教學版
Clean Code, Episode 3 - Screencast I: testableHtml
This is the first of three screencasts for Clean Code Episode III -
Functions. In this screencast Uncle Bob (UB) refactors an old long
method he found in FitNesse in 2007. Watch as UB tears this long
function into a new class containing many tiny well-named functions.
The focus in this cast is on small functions and refactoring technique.
Clean Code, Episode 3 - Screencast 2: primeGenerator:
In this screencast Uncle Bob (UB) refactors the famous Prime Number
Generator from Donald Knuth's landmark book: Literate Programming.
This screencast focuses on finding multiple classes buried within a
single long functions.
Clean Code, Episode 3 - Screencast 3: Video Store:
This is the famous "Video Store" example from Martin Fowler's
wonderful book: Refactoring. In this hour-long screencast, Uncle
Bob (UB) takes it apart one step at a time. In the end, he will
transform this code from a single large function in a group of
otherwise empty classes, into a nicely partitioned object oriented
design. UB will tear this code apart, and turn it inside out. He'll
use a wide-range of refactoring in order to chop the code up and
drag the fragments into the classes that need them. In the process
the tests will be cleaned up, the Single Reponsibility Principle
will be enforced, three new classes will be created and populated,
and the result will be a much cleaner module. You don't want to
miss this one!